Let’s not pretend moving home is stress free and easy – it isn’t. It can be particularly hard if you have children. Below are some quick tips to use before your move:

  1. If possible, take them to their new home before the move and let them plan out the layout and colour scheme of their new bedroom.
  2. Visit the new area several times with them and find a local park or playground. If your children ask about the move, you can remind them that they’ve been to the area before, and played there. Hopefully this will help ease their anxiety.
  3. Give your children the responsibility of packing their most important bits into one box. This is a great opportunity to have a clear out too. Make the idea of moving to a new home, and a new bedroom, a real adventure.
  4. Pack their boxes last into the removals van so they’re the first boxes out. Your kids can play with their toys whilst you’re unloading the rest of your belongings.
  5. Pack an “essentials box” for each member of the family. You’ll need toilet roll, PJs, toothbrushes etc. – and nappies and toiletries for the little ones. This way, you don’t have to unpack everything to find all your important bits. Let the kids pick a teddy bear or a toy to accompany them in the car.
  6. If you’re able to, ask friends or family to look after the kids for some of the day. That way you can pack, move and unpack swiftly and effectively.
  7. On the first night, get the kids stuff unpacked and get them surrounded by their comfortable items, then have a break and some family time. This way they (and you) have a chance to settle in and have a break from the chaos. If you don’t have furniture yet, why not make a bed sheet tent for their first night adventure!
  8. Let the kids plan a welcome party in the new house. Why not let them arrange for their friends to come over for dinner or a sleepover. This will give them something to look forward to.
  9. Get the kids busy in their new home baking cakes to take round to your new neighbours. This will keep them busy, get them used to their new surroundings and give them something exciting to think about – making new friends! It’s also a great introduction to the new neighbours.
  10. Before the move, talk to the children about why you are moving and integrate the idea into their daily life – they can create some art for the new home or create a map of their new area.

If you would like an advice on moving, or a valuation on your property, please contact NestledIn on 01226 448844, or email us hello@nestledin.co.uk